2 time

I know it’s been a while since my first post, but don’t worry, I can explain. I had written out an entire post about a week ago (about a week ago!), but I didn’t like it, so I decided to start again from scratch. In any case, this past week has been extremely hectic for me with work, so I hardly found the time (I know, poor excuse). However, here we are so let’s do this…

Lately, I’ve been spending an insane amount of time inside my head. Ironically, I’ve spent a lot of my time thinking about how I spend my time. I’ve been hyper-aware of not only what I spend my time doing, but also my feelings and thoughts throughout the day. Now, from my experience, overthinking stuff like this is definitely a waste of time so…oops?

Anyway, so what’s the point of all this talk about time? Well, after all the thought I’ve put into it, I concluded that I need to be more careful about what I consider a “good” use of my time. In my opinion, people including myself, spend time on things that we may think are beneficial but aren’t really. For example, work is a big one. Of course, work is important because financial stability is essential to living, but there’s most definitely a balance necessary there. A balance that I often forget myself. Another example would be a toxic relationship or a friendship that really isn’t worth your time. It’s scary for me to think that I might be spending all my time on all the wrong things. And doing so with the false idea of being productive.   

Even with that fear, I believe I’ve come up with some things that I truly believe are a productive use of time. I find it important to spend time on the intangibles. Things like important relationships, life-long friendships, family, and myself. These are the things that empower me. And I use the word empower strategically. Especially nowadays, when individualism is the move, I feel like it’s even more important to take a step back and focus on the people around us. We live in a time when 13-year-old kids are drowning themselves in SAT books or iPhones instead of engaging with peers. Now, back to the word “empower”. I chose this word purposefully because I believe we should all focus our time towards actions and thoughts that empower us. My definition of productivity is using time to empower yourself. Now, to be honest, that’s only half of my definition. Maybe we can dive into the latter half in the next post.

Let me know how you define productivity and what you consider the best use of your time.

Thanks for tuning in everyone! As always, feedback is appreciated.

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